I feel like life is a constant balance of being content in where you are while striving to reach where you want to go. I know I get frustrated sometimes feeling like I’m so far from where I want to be but I have to remind myself how far I’ve come and how richly God has blessed me. God doesn’t owe me anything; He’s not indebted to me in anyway. The fact that the Supreme Being of the universe sees fit to wake me up every day and has a plan for my life is enough to put a spring in my step. And the fact He saw fit to send His Son to die a painful, shameful death on a cross for us is reason to shout but I also have another reason to be especially grateful for life: May 19, 2008. Now the fact that God spared me on May 19, 2008, reminds me that at 17 I had not yet fulfilled the purpose He had for my life. While I near the 10-year anniversary of my wreck I still cry when I think about how God spared me and how so many people in less severe accidents weren’t as fortunate. I’m really blessed in that whenever I’m feeling down I can quickly flip through a book people signed during my hospital stay after my accident; the posts keep me going. Some excerpts: “I’m very proud of you for being so strong and hope you realize that God has you in His favor. You are a living testimony and your perseverance will impact people’s lives in ways you will never know.” “You are the apple of God’s eye. God has a beautiful plan and purpose for your life. God used you for His glory. God’s love and protection will always be wrapped around you.” The other day when I was in prayer, God really shook me in my spirit and let me know what I’m going though and the route I take to get to my dreams isn’t necessarily about me but the people I can inspire and affect. And that really humbled me and gave me fuel to carry on; it helped to adjust my vision long term. When you focus your vision on long-term goals and dreams it helps put the short-term in perspective. Problems in the present become minuscule; issues and moments of opposition become teaching moments that help you grow. I’m convinced every pain we go through is not in vain but if we don’t let it defeat us, that pain can be used for our good. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)
I hope you’re encouraged to keep striving towards your dreams even when things look discouraging in the short-term. With a little work and faith, I believe anything is possible. “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10)
AuthorHi! I'm Marilyn! Archives
October 2020